Oktatói Hálózat

Power and Pandemic ‒ Hungary Turns its Back on Europe and the Current Crisis

Every step an oppressive regime gets away with paves the way for the next one. The recent report of the Hungarian Network of Academics ‒ Hungary Turns its Back on Europe – enumerates such oppressive steps of the Orbán governments in every corner of culture: in symbolic politics, education, management of science, cultural heritage, and the media. Furthermore, the current crisis is also being used as a way to further xenophobic propaganda and strengthen centralized power. These steps have made possible the adoption in the Hungarian Parliament of an “empowering” act disguised as a health protection measure that allows Orbán to rule by decree indefinitely, without a cut-off date. Several interrelated measures over the last ten years completed with new ones, justified by an unrelated epidemic make it possible to silence any dissent voice or criticism, even regarding the inadequacy of corona measures.

For those who want to understand what steps preceded the current situation in Hungary, our report Hungary Turns its Back on Europe offer some important elements of comprehension.

The authors of the report are predominantly university professors who stand by academic freedom. They aim to reach out to all interested organisations and individuals, by providing them with accurate and reliable sources. 

It is necessary to stand together, cooperate internationally, and defend the principles of democracy in Europe. The printed version of the report – financed entirely from donations and released on January 28, 2020 simultaneously in the European Parliament in Brussels and in Budapest – can be ordered online here.

The report has already begun to attract interest, but more international attention is needed to reach like-minded groups in other countries. You can contact us: oktatoihalozat@googlegroups.com

The full English text can be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Hungarian Network of Academics, but the book should also be on the shelves of libraries, to reach all those that might be interested.

Samples of international coverage of the report:

Read the later developments of the process explained in the book: