The Education Network (OHA), the Hungarian researchers and teachers in higher education organization of autonomous. Its aim is to preserve the values of indigenous higher education and promote renewal. Its establishment was motivated by the belief that higher education is the ongoing conversion of these leads to perverse outcomes. We agree that the provisions previously in many respects be amended, however, make any changes just in case we have to be acceptable if it does not restrict in higher education institutions of teaching and research, freedom of matriculation and students equal opportunities for education expenses fair share and graduates free employment entitlements. Also insists that any legislative changes only after a thorough analysis, the long-term impact assessments, public consultations and meaningful professional occurs at after. Task we make specific recommendations used in order that the Hungarian higher education institutions, predictable and transparent funding of international cooperation in the more engaging, world-class research outcomes and globally competitive training possible for potential students – their origin and material lehetőségeiktől regardless. We believe that a higher education, in addition to being one of the successes of the Hungarian economy sector could be a necessary condition for Hungary not only competitive, but also can become a cohesive and democratic state. At one time considered hivatásunkból obligations and civic duty of us to lift our voices to all government endeavors towards which these goals counters, as well as our duty to notice also that act together as a rögtönzésszerű, authoritarian and centralizing the administration of education and its impacts, given all the opportunities to available for civil society.