Nemzetközi szolidaritási akció a magyar civilekért

Nemzetközi szolidaritási akció a magyar civilekért

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2014. június 12-én számos nemzetközi szervezet fejezi ki tiltakozását a magyar civil szervezeteket ért kormányzati támadás miatt. Az akcióhoz csatlakozva a közleményt az OHA is közzéteszi honlapján:

Stop Thwarting Civil Society in Hungary!


Stop Thwarting Hungarian NGOs!

Since its re-election, the Hungarian government launched a campaign attacking the credibility of Hungarian NGOs and is striving to gain controlling power over their funding, distributed independently from the government. We believe that a dynamic and independent civil society plays a fundamental role in a democratic society, as it is one of the key checks and balances to governing power. As demonstrated by Putin’s Russia, the harassment of the civil sector could easily lead to the criminalization of NGOs and could effectively hinder their work. We stand in solidarity with the Hungarian NGOs and call on the Hungarian and all other governments to refrain from harassing civil society!


On June 12, the Hungarian Government meets the representatives of Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein to discuss the European Economic Area Grants, which the Norway Grants is part of. In response to the above-described events, we ask our partner NGOs to publish the statement above on June 12th at 9 a.m. in solidarity with Hungarian civil society.


If you agree with the statement above, please publish it on your website or your social media platform on June 12, 2014 during the morning hours. If you want to amend the statement, please feel free to do so. We recommend using a simple black picture to illustrate a statement in order to demonstrate the unity of the action.


After the widespread criticism due to the elimination of independent institutions and the dismantling of the framework of parliamentarianism, the opening of the second term of the Orban government in 2014 has seen even more challenges: new impetus was given to questioning the credibility and hindering the independent financing of autonomous civil organizations representing a counterbalance to the government.

The Norway Financial Mechanism (EEA/Norway Grants) is part of an agreement between the EU and Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein about funding projects in less-developed European economies. The Hungarian government launched its attack against the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund (NCTA) at the beginning of April, only a day after its massive re-election victory. The NCTA is a small portion of the EEA/Norway Grants, which is distributed by a consortium of four Hungarian foundations, which have previously administered the grants with success. The accusation is that through the four foundations, Norway is trying to influence Hungarian politics. Norway firmly denied the accusations.

When the Norwegian government rejected the charges, the Hungarian government sent agents of the Government Control Office (KEHI) to audit the Fund's administering organizations. The government has led an escalating campaign accusing the four NGOs of political meddling. It said KEHI would audit Okotars, the consortium leader NGO, but sent KEHI agents to two other partner organizations, as well. The foundations were threatened with the suspension of their tax number if refused cooperation. The legal basis of the audit is disputed by the administering organizations of the consortium.

In the past years, NGOs, especially those critical of the ideology of the government (LGBT+ rights groups) were subjected to defamatory attempts. On May 30, 2014, an article was published stating that the government blacklisted independent Hungarian civil organizations that have benefitted from the EEA/Norwegian NGO Fund (NCTA) on the basis of their alleged political affiliation. In an emailed statement to Reuters on this day, the government said it had no intention of fighting individual NGOs, but it repeated the charges that the grants sought to exert political influence.

Civil organizations' opportunities for legal advocacy and the room to manoeuvre are getting gradually smaller, and media publications may be henceforward constrained to exercise self-censorship because regulations of the media law curtailing the freedom of speech and judicial practices would hold them back from publishing articles criticizing the government. All these steps make Hungary resemble Putin's Russia, where, with the silencing of the last free voices, all the defences of the democratic state are being demolished.

According to – one of the blacklisted NGOs: the scandal sparked by the Hungarian government over the Norwegian funding of local NGOs has escalated to the extent that groups advocating environmental concerns and anti-corruption are being targeted by the authorities. The only tangible reason to be found is that the Hungarian government doesn’t approve of funding being distributed to organizations, which they do not approve of.

According to the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, another blacklisted NGO: These are steps in a series of government actions aiming to silence people, from ordinary citizens to the press and to civil society, and prevent them from voicing any criticism against the government. An examination of government actions since 2010 shows that the elimination of independent institutions, the dismantling of the frameworks of parliamentarianism and the trivialization of opposition voices already started during the Orban government’s previous cycle. Such measures include the Media Law, the curtailing of the Constitutional Court's authority, the elimination of the institution of the independent Data Protection Ombudsman, the transformation of the election system and the contents and means of approval of the Fundamental Law.

As part of the government’s silencing efforts of independent voices, the editor-in-chief of one of the largest Hungarian online news sites,, was unexpectedly forced to leave his job on June 2. End of May, the news site published a series on János Lázár, Secretary of State for the Prime Minister's Office, noting that his recent spending of 6.500 EUR from public funds on a few days’travel expenses was presumably unjustified. In response, János Lázár exercised visible pressure. It is probably due to this incident that the editor-in-chief of, who was said to have resisted the political pressure exercised by the publishing company, was forced to quit. The editorial board of expressed its disagreement with dismissing the editor-in-chief and considers the conditions for continuing its work insecure. Since June 2, a number of staff members quit their jobs. The management of denied the accusations about political pressure.

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